Tagged: settling in Raleigh

The Raleigh World: Ten Months

We’re getting into Hot Cocoa Season. HOORAY!!! I’m wearing shirts with sleeves that extend below my elbows. WOOT!!! The trees are turning and the colors are stunning! However, it’s still and forever Allergy Season...

The Raleigh World: Nine Months

I’m not really in the mood for gestational jokes, so let’s dive on in, shall we? Soccer Season Ends The North Carolina Courage had an amazing end to an unprecedented season. I still shake...

The Raleigh World: Month Three

Soooooo… Pollen Season is a thing here. The stuff that turns everything yellow is pine pollen: it flies through the air like snow, though in daylight you don’t really notice it until it accumulates...

The Raleigh World: One Month In

Today marks one month since Dos Gatos Locos and I rolled into Raleigh and began making a new home here. As with the day we arrived, today’s weather is warm-ish and rainy (thank goodness...

And It’s Only Tuesday

The assimilation continues apace. ✅ Obtain library card ✅ Replace temporary driver’s license with permanent one ✅ Get car registered No resting on my laurels, though: I still have plenty to keep me busy...