New Year’s Day
And so I begin another trip around the sun. I’m a different Me this year. Or, rather, I’m more ME now than I have been in a very long time. Over the past year...
Vicster | Dot | Net
And so I begin another trip around the sun. I’m a different Me this year. Or, rather, I’m more ME now than I have been in a very long time. Over the past year...
I’m sick again! I thought my suddenly stuffy sinuses meant that my allergies might be taking off, given the pleasant weather we've had this week, following two or three solid months of rain (POLLENPALOOZZA)....
Today is International Women’s Day, a day on which the organizers of the Women’s March called for a strike. I elected to withhold our labor today. Instead, I attended rallies at San Francisco City...
San Francisco, CA
I’ve been working on a writing assignment that, on the surface, sounded fairly straight-forward. But by the time my terrified perfectionist and inner critic got done tag-teaming me, I started re-thinking this whole Writing...
I accept that I am a work in progress as long as I keep working and progressing. ????????????